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hands-heart hands-helping hands-usd handshake-alt heart-circle heart-square home-heartlamp leaf-heartloveseat parachute-box people-carry person-carry person-dollyperson-dolly-empty phone-plus piggy-bank ramp-loadingribbonrouteseedlingsign smile-winktapetruck-container truck-couch truck-loading truck-moving truck-ramp video-plus video-slash wine-glassuser-alt-slashuser-astronaut user-check user-clockuser-cog user-edit user-friends user-graduate user-lock user-minus user-ninja user-shield user-slashuser-taguser-tie users-cogbalance-scale-leftbalance-scale-rightblender book-openbroadcast-towerbroom chalkboardchalkboard-teacherchurchcoins compact-disccrowcrowndice dice-five dice-fourdice-onedice-six dice-threedice-two door-closed door-openequalsfeatherfroggas-pumpglasses greater-thangreater-than-equal helicopter kiwi-bird less-thanless-than-equalmemorymicrophone-alt-slashmoney-bill-wavemoney-bill-wave-alt money-checkmoney-check-alt not-equalpaletteparking percentageproject-diagramreceiptrobotrulerruler-combinedruler-horizontalruler-verticalschool screwdriver shoe-printsskull smoking-banstore store-altstream stroopwafeltoolboxtshirtwalkingwalletangryarchwayatlasaward backspace bezier-curvebongbrushbus-altcannabis check-doublecocktailconcierge-bellcookie cookie-bitecrop-altdigital-tachographdizzydrafting-compassdrum drum-steelpan feather-alt file-contract file-download file-export file-import file-invoicefile-invoice-dollarfile-prescriptionfile-signature file-uploadfill fill-drip fingerprintfishflushed frown-openglass-martini-alt globe-africaglobe-americas globe-asiagrimacegringrin-alt grin-beamgrin-beam-sweat grin-hearts grin-squintgrin-squint-tears grin-stars grin-tears grin-tonguegrin-tongue-squintgrin-tongue-wink grin-winkgrip-horizontal grip-verticalheadphones-altheadset highlighterhot-tubhoteljointkiss kiss-beamkiss-wink-heartlaugh laugh-beam laugh-squint laugh-wink luggage-cart map-markedmap-marked-altmarkermedal meh-blankmeh-rolling-eyesmonument mortar-pestlepaint-brush-alt paint-rollerpassport pen-fancypen-nib pencil-ruler plane-arrivalplane-departure prescriptionsad-crysad-tear shuttle-van signature smile-beam smile-plus solar-panelspasplotch spray-canstamp star-half-altsuitcase-rollingsurprise swatchbookswimmer swimming-pool tint-slashtiredtoothumbrella-beach vector-squareweight-hangingwine-glass-alt air-freshener apple-altatomatom-altbackpack bell-schoolbell-school-slashbone bone-breakbook-alt book-readerbooksbrain bus-schoolcar-alt car-batterycar-bump car-crash car-garage car-mechaniccar-sidecar-tiltcar-washcharging-stationclipboard-prescription compass-slashdiploma directions do-not-enter draw-circle draw-polygon draw-squareearengine-warningfile-certificategas-pump-slash glasses-alt globe-stand heart-rateinhalerkidneys laptop-code layer-group layer-minus layer-pluslipslocationlocation-circlelocation-slashlungsmap-marker-alt-slashmap-marker-checkmap-marker-editmap-marker-exclamationmap-marker-minusmap-marker-plusmap-marker-questionmap-marker-slashmap-marker-smilemap-marker-times microscopemonitor-heart-rateoil-canoil-tempparking-circleparking-circle-slash parking-slashpencil-paintbrushpoop route-highwayroute-interstateruler-trianglescalpel scalpel-pathshapesskeleton star-of-lifesteering-wheelstomachtachometer-alt-averagetachometer-alt-fasttachometer-alt-fastesttachometer-alt-slowtachometer-alt-slowesttachometer-averagetachometer-fasttachometer-fastesttachometer-slowtachometer-slowestteeth teeth-open theater-maskstire tire-flattire-pressure-warning tire-rugged toothbrush traffic-cone traffic-lighttraffic-light-gotraffic-light-slowtraffic-light-stop truck-monster truck-pickup users-class watch-fitnessabacusad analyticsankh badge-dollar badge-percentbiblebullseye-arrowbullseye-pointer business-timecabinet-filingcalculator-altchart-line-down chart-pie-altcitycomment-alt-dollarcomment-dollarcomments-alt-dollarcomments-dollarcross dharmachakra empty-setenvelope-open-dollarenvelope-open-textfile-chart-linefile-chart-piefile-spreadsheet file-user folder-minus folder-plus folder-timesfoldersfunction funnel-dollar gift-cardgopuramhamsahaykal intersectionjedijournal-whillskaabakeynotekhandalambdalandmarklightbulb-dollarlightbulb-exclamation lightbulb-onlightbulb-slash mail-bulk megaphonemenorah mind-sharemosqueomomegapastafarianismpeace phone-officeplace-of-worshippodiumpollpoll-hpray praying-hands presentation print-slashquran search-dollarsearch-locationshreddersigmasignal-1signal-2signal-3signal-4 signal-alt signal-alt-1 signal-alt-2 signal-alt-3signal-alt-slash signal-slashsocks square-rootsquare-root-altstar-and-crescent star-of-david synagoguetallythetatorah torii-gateunion user-chart user-crown users-crownvalue-absoluteviharavolume volume-mutewifi-1wifi-2 wifi-slashyin-yangacornalicorn apple-crateaxe axe-battle badger-honeybat blender-phone book-dead book-spells bow-arrowcampfire campground candle-holder candy-corncatcauldronchair chair-office claw-marks cloud-moon cloud-sun coffee-togocoffincorncowdice-d10dice-d12dice-d20dice-d4dice-d6dice-d8dog dog-leasheddragon drumstickdrumstick-biteduckdungeonelephanteye-evilfile-csv fist-raisedflame flask-poison flask-potionghosthammer hammer-warhand-holding-magichanukiah hat-witch hat-wizard head-sidehead-vr helmet-battlehikinghippo hockey-mask hood-cloakhorse house-damagehryvnia key-skeletonkite knife-kitchen leaf-mapleleaf-oakmacemandolinmaskmonkeymountain mountainsnarwhal network-wiredotterpaw-alt paw-clawspegasuspiepigpumpkinrabbit rabbit-fastramrunning scarecrowscroll scroll-oldscythesheep shield-crossshovelskull-crossbonessnakespiderspider-black-widow spider-websquirrelstaffswordswords toilet-papertoilet-paper-alt tombstone tombstone-alttractortreasure-chesttreesturkeyturtleunicorn user-injured vr-cardboardwand wand-magicwhalewheatwind wine-bottleballot ballot-check booth-curtain box-ballot calendar-starclipboard-list-check cloud-drizzle cloud-hailcloud-hail-mixedcloud-meatballcloud-moon-rain cloud-rain cloud-rainbow cloud-showerscloud-showers-heavy cloud-sleet cloud-snowcloud-sun-rainclouds clouds-moon clouds-sundemocratdewpointeclipse eclipse-alt fire-smokeflag-altflag-usafog house-floodhumidity hurricane landmark-altmeteor moon-cloud moon-stars person-booth person-sign podium-star poll-people poo-stormrainbow raindrops republicansmogsmoke snow-blowingstars sun-cloudsun-dustsun-hazesunrisesunsettemperature-frigidtemperature-hightemperature-hottemperature-low thunderstormthunderstorm-moonthunderstorm-suntornadovolcanovote-nayvote-yeawater water-lower water-rise wind-warningwindsockangelbaby baby-carriage ball-pilebells biohazardblogboot calendar-day calendar-week candy-canecarrot cash-register chart-networkchimneycompress-arrows-altdeer deer-rudolphdreideldumpster dumpster-fire ear-muffsethernet fireplace frosty-headgiftsgingerbread-manglass-champagne glass-cheers glass-whiskeyglass-whiskey-rocks globe-europe globe-snow grip-linesgrip-lines-verticalguitar hat-santa hat-winter heart-broken holly-berry horse-head ice-skateiciclesigloolights-holiday mistletoemittenmug-hotmug-marshmallowsornament radiation radiation-altrestroomrv satellitesatellite-dishscarfsd-card shovel-snowsim-cardskatingski-jumpski-liftskiing skiing-nordicsleddingsleighsms snowboarding snowflakessnowman snowmobilesnowplowstar-christmasstockingtengetoilettoolstramtree-christmastree-decorated tree-large truck-plowwreathfire-altbacon book-medical book-user books-medicalbracketsbrackets-curly bread-loaf bread-sliceburrito chart-scattercheese cheese-swiss cheeseburgerclinic-medicalclipboard-usercomment-alt-medicalcomment-medical croissantcrutchcrutchesdebugdiseaseegg egg-fried files-medical fish-cookedflowerflower-daffodil flower-tulip folder-tree french-friesglass hamburgerhand-middle-fingerhard-hathead-side-brainhead-side-medicalhome-althome-lg home-lg-alt hospital-user hospitalshotdog ice-creamisland-tropicallaptop-medicalmailboxmeatpager pepper-hotpizza pizza-slicepopcorn print-search rings-weddingsack sack-dollarsaladsandwichsausage shish-kebabsicklesoupsteak stretchertacotanakh tasks-alt trash-restoretrash-restore-alt tree-palm user-hard-hat user-headset user-md-chat user-nurse users-medicalwalkerwebcam webcam-slash `)l؈؈